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Tag Archives: Diesel
Diesel Engine Fuel Pump With Solenoid
Premium quality fuel injection pump with solenoid for China-made 186F (406CC) diesel engines. This fuel fitting is made of medium carbon manganese alloying steel with good balanced ductility, strength and wear resistance and fuel fitting is especially black oxide surface … Continue reading
Diesel Pumps and Diesel Engines
A diesel pump or as it is regularly known an injection pump typically is used to fuel a diesel engine, injection pumps can be utilized to deliver fuel to a petrol engine also. A diesel pump, in the first engines, … Continue reading
Regarding How Diesel Engines Work
When gas is compressed, the temperature of it will rise,with diesel engines using this very property to ignitethe fuel. Air is then drawn into the cylinder andcompressed by the rising piston at a much highcompression ratio than gas engines, up … Continue reading
Common Facts On Diesel Engines
Diesel engines offer the lowest specific fuel usage of any other large internal combustion engine. Thefact remains, two-stroke diesels with high pressureforced induction, particularly turbo charging, make up a large percentage of the largest diesel engines.Throughout North America, diesel engines … Continue reading
Diesel Pump and Diesel Engines
Diesel pump or as it is commonly known an injection pump normally is used to fuel a diesel engine, injection pumps can be utilized to deliver gasoline to a petrol engine also.A diesel pump, in the first engines, would have … Continue reading
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Diesel And Gas Engines
There is a lot of debate and controversy about gas and diesel engines. Let’s take a look at some key points of both. Diesel Less expensive to run Not as powerful Offer more torque Vehicles powered by diesel more expensive. … Continue reading
Car Engine ? Petrol Vs. Diesel
Car engine is a lump of metal fitted in the car that makes the car go zoom. The traditional types of car engines are petrol and diesel. Since the introduction of automobiles in the Indian car industry, these two types … Continue reading
Are Diesel Engines Better than Gasoline Engines?
Are diesel engines really better than those running on gasoline? I’ll differentiate one from the other, and see for yourself which one is really a better pick. Gasoline or petrol cars are running on engines called ‘spark ignition’ engines. On … Continue reading
Diesel Vs Petrol Engines
There are always choices to be made and one of them has something to do with cars. If you love to speed up, you would go for turbo but should you purchase petrol or diesel? That is something you have … Continue reading
How Diesel Engines Work
When a gas is compressed, its temperature rises; a diesel engine uses this property to ignite the fuel. Air is drawn into the cylinder of a diesel engine and is compressed by the moving piston at a compression ratio as … Continue reading