Chevy Volt: The Car of Future

It is a well known fact, that the plug-in hybrid technology as well as extension of electric vehicles offers great fuel efficiency. A General Motor resurgent had suggested to achieve a fuel efficiency of 230 miles/gallon, which sounded totally insane, but it seems GMC is indeed something really big of-late.
The official announcement on this matter was made based on a development test using EPA fuel economy method, and the next big thing in world of automotives will definitely be the Chevy Volt!

It is surveyed by the Department of Transportation in US that 80% of Drivers in America drive less than 40 miles on a daily basis. The gasoline is not required in this case, as the volt range has regular 40 mile electric range.

During the lengthy trips, the first 40 miles distance will be powered by electric source and the supplementary generator provided in the vehicle will take care of the rest of the proceeding. This will in turn ensure the targeted fuel economy of 230 mpg.

It is considered as so early to drive the plot production vehicles, because the 2011 Volt vehicle is over a year away to be debuted in market. Test mules are considered as the existing platform models, which are equipped with an advanced technology for any upcoming vehicles to the market.

The Green car would also come in handy in sharing the seat time impressions obtained in a Chevy Volt test mule. Many test mules have been driven by the Green Car editors. Some of them include the Toyota Prius in 1995 as well as GM EV1 in the year 1992.

Moreover, the much anticipated Chevy Volt can be closely matched with the overall weight and size of the Cruze. The Cruze model has replaced the Chevy Malibu for the volt development program. This was the first generation model of Chevy Malibu used in a test mule platform.

The Volt team has gathered all the required powertrain components by grafting the T-shaped volt battery pack and they’re ready to install the most advanced Voltec powertrain in to the body structure, and come out with the most unbelievable car ever built.

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