When gas is compressed, the temperature of it will rise,with diesel engines using this very property to ignitethe fuel. Air is then drawn into the cylinder andcompressed by the rising piston at a much highcompression ratio than gas engines, up to 25:1, withthe air temperature reaching 700 – 900 degrees C.At the top of the piston stroke, the diesel fuel isinjected into the combustion chamber at high pressure,then through an atomizing nozzle, it mixes with thehot high pressured air. The resulting mixture willignite and burn very rapidly. This combustion will cause the gas in the chamber to heat up rapidly, which increases the pressure and forces the pistondownwards.The connecting rod will transmit this motion to thecrankshaft. The scavenging of the engine is either done by ports or valves. To get the most out ofa diesel engine, use of a turbocharger to compressthe intake of air is vital. You can also use an aftercooler or intercooler to cool the intake airafter compression by the turbocharger to furtherincrease your efficiency.An important part of older diesel engines was thegovenor, which limited the speed of the engine bycontrolling the rate of fuel that was delivered. Unlike gas engines, the air that comes in is notthrottled, so the engine would overspeed if thiswasn’t done. Older style injection systems weredriven by a gear system that came from the engine.The diesel engine is truly an advancement to vehiclesas we know it. As technology gets better, you can expect the diesel engine to get better as well,possibly even proving just how much better it isto the gasoline engine.
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