If you want to get certified by NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineer,the required exam that you need to take is NS0-501 which can test your netapp san implementation engineer skills.Killtest NS0-501 has been prepared by their experts who are working on IT fields for many years,good experence can be given to all the candidates that will take this NS0-501 exam,they sum up all kinds of the pattern of the real Q&As of the exam which are in order to let the candidates pass the exam 100% at first time.
NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineers have proven skills in implementing customer storage requirements, implementing Fibre Channel and iSCSI SAN solutions, and integrating different operating systems and applications such as Microsoft® Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server™, DB2®, and Oracle®.
Exam registration and administration for NetApp certifications are handled by a third-party testing company. So you can register for this certification exam in the offical site http://www.prometric.com/NetApp .
Killtest latest NS0 501 – NetApp Certified SAN Implementation Engineer exam material can help you pass your exam with less effort.Such as these sample questions which are come from real test below:
For which four operations would you use igroup throttles on a NetApp storage solution? (Choose four.)A.to assign a specific percentage of the queue resources on each physical port to the igroupB.to manage pathing to the LUNsC.to reserve a minimum percentage of queue resources for a specific igroupD.to limit the number of concurrent I/O requests an initiator can send to the storage systemE.to restrict an igroup to a maximum percentage of useF.to manage space reclamationWhich command do you use to see the rate of change between two successive Snapshot copies in aflexible volume in Data ONTAP?A.snap diffB.snap calculateC.snap deltaD.snap spaceWhich utility on Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 can be used to collect information about firmwareand driver versions for an Emulex LP1xxxx/LPe1xxx HBA?A.EMutilB.SANutilC.fcp configD.SANsurferE.HBAnywhere
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