The hydraulic fluid usually utilized in brake applications and brake systems of automobiles is known as the brake fluid. The function of the brake fluid is to transfer the force under pressure from where it originates, through the hydraulic lines of the vehicle’s brake system, to the brake system near the wheels. Therefore it can be safely concluded that the function of the brake fluid is to make the car halt successfully. The reason fluids are used is because fluids are incompressible by nature and therefore the fluids are the best to work with as far as the braking mechanism is concerned. The best part about the braking fluids is the fact that they do not suffer from wears and tears even after several years of usage and therefore they provide the necessary amount of force without any problems and at full efficiency for years.
Cars that have a clutch working on the hydraulic principle, requires you to first check the clutch master cylinder and then add the fluid for the brakes. You will find hydraulic systems in cars that have a manual transmission system. Refer the manual of your car if you are not sure about the type of brake fluid to use and remember that the process is a regular process.
You will find the car’s clutch master cylinder’s reservoir near the driver’s side fender. It is smaller than the brake master cylinder’s reservoir, but looks similar and that is how you will recognize this little part. The common mistake to make is to remove the cap of the reservoir while there lays dirt on it. What this will do is that it will cause the dirt to get into the small reservoir and you do not want that. So, after you have removed the lid carefully, check to see if the fluid is up to the rim of the reservoir, if it is not then it is time for a refill.
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brake fluid