Many people get carried away by the fact that the more you spend, the better products you get. However, another equally important fact is that several top performers are very economical than the other comparatively expensive variants, when you consider the best auto reviews and feedback of the customers.
Though wax will provide your car with good level of protection, there are certain other traditional age old practices and other hard work that needs to be done. Liquid and paste waxes work better than the new age spray on and wipe off products.
Ever since the clear coat was introduced, the transparent protective layers of paint was used on new cars, and many people have forgotten the importance of increasing the shine on their cars. But, over years with acid rain, dust and debris having its hand on the vehicle, you need to go in for the wax protection.
Waxes and polishes are usually made up of the synthetic ingredients however the natural synthesizers like Carnauba are also available.
Factors to choose from:
• Consider age of the car- older car needs higher cleaning and liquid waxes are the best for them.
• Color of the car- dark colors show more scratches and so choose waxes that scored less in scratching and hazing tests.
• Determine the amount of plastic in the car- if your care has more of plastic parts; choose the ones that scored well with compatibility with plastics test.
There are many other factors that need to be considered. However, a recent survey showed that these products served well –
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